For my age group, old, retired and cynical I was assured Natural Immunity would protect me from Covid.

.........It did.

I am 100% immune from the Fake Vaxx side effects because I did not take it!

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World law enforcement agencies must arrest Walensky, Birx, Fauci, Daszak and all DOD, CIA, CDC, NIH, WHO, FDA, HHS and big pharma and big tech. executives involved.

Fraud and homicide are ...not included in the total immunity from legal liability agreement under the PREP Act for the big Pharma criminals!

Nuremberg Code and RICO laws apply now! The DOJ better wake the Fk Up and get busy!

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These have all the physical appearance and characteristics of a polymerized elastomeric compound. Why, chemically, what changed to allow polymerization of whatever parent molecule in the blood, that has apparently been chemically morphed or changed.

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It's a Bio-Weapon!

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The LNP is made up of plastics and industrial chemicals - start there.

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My favorite parts of Covid:


Never having that:

“I feel dirty now because I’ve been vaccinated and six people I know just died all of a sudden like” …



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Thanks for including the large collection of so-called fibrin clots, gives a much better, more complete picture of the phenomenon

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Fair play. Those photos put me off my dinner...

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Puts me off eating calamari ever again.

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Spaghetti? ...ya, me 2!

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I think you mean 2024, not 2004, John.

My keyboard is missing 13 keys, so I do the same thing frequently.

Don't worry..

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Luckily each Substack post is easily edited forever.

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Indeed! Also, Dr Campbell, you can embed videos in Substack instead of using a thumbnail if you want, by downloading a Video DownloadHelper Plugin for your web browsers. Just rip it off Rumble or whatnot, then re-upload. There are many plugins capable of taking video out of webpages as mp4.

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As are typos in comments!

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This is old news to some of us. It’s unfortunate that many never saw this during the lockdowns. They may have been singing a different tune.

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The proof to the majority of all of this is when big business buys up all of the funeral homes and when we watch them do things like that ahead of time it is a forecast to what's coming in the future that they want to hide. This is all so sad but an excellent predictor. Sorry this is just common sense and so many hip figured this out, and again this is old news but it needs to be brought back out because many have not seen it. The micro cladding goes throughout the body and they were also talking about not just veins but arteries as well as the vascular that goes across the pelvic floor which really affects the lower extremities which so many people are having problems with. I have arterial clots after Covid started dealing with them the best that I can and I must say ivermectin profoundly helped when I was rehabbing my leg That a Venus surgeon said was hopeless and that the arterial clot had been there for over five years and could not be cleared, however six months prior to that date a cardiologist did exams of both of my lower legs that had been swelling since my ex-husband got vaccinated And said that they were totally clear. This is all just normal and the runaround that we get with the white coats which is so sad, not to mention the slander and just mean and cool things that they say to us will we try to address the real issues. Pretty much done with the white coats. ❤️ thank you John Campbell for your virtuous nature, and all that you share with us. May you stay safe happy healthy and Whole so you can continue to do All that you can to help our world and planet❤️

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I am opening a Covid Vaccine Blood Clot Museum... please send samples

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If vaxxed, open a few large veins.

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Why would I have vaxxed? Are you suggesting I am a moron :)

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Not me! My 3rd Whiskey Sour said that. My 4th punished that one.

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I don't see how it could be a hoax. I saw posts all across the world doe a year after they first showed up. Years later, I don't see that any of the posters are connected.

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All these Monsters must pay for all the evil they have done to people on this earth.

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I have not examined any of these things in person. Is it possible this is a haox? the objects to me look like silicone caulking as if someone injected it and pulled it out. It may be real..but I dont know...

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Too many embalmers and funeral directors have reported finding them. Apart from the surveys, there is now an extensive record of testimony from the US, UK, New Zealand, and Canada. Just from 2022-23: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/138644.html

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I’ve been wondering that as well. I’m fairly convinced that amyloid microclots are a real thing. Or maybe that spike induced clotting and amyloidosis in general are real things. I’m not sold on these elongated rubbery clots, but maybe. Beware of poison pills that would have you screaming about something later proven false.

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Just posted 2 excerpts transcribed from the Off-Grid Ireland Podcast with embalmer John McGhee at year-end 2022. This now adds Ireland to the list of countries I am aware of— US, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Germany-- where an embalmer, funeral dirctor, or doctor has come forward to speak out as as eyewitness to finding these fibrinaloid clots.


Source video:

"Embalmer John McGhee Chats Off-Grid Ireland"

Off-Grid Ireland, posted December 31, 2022


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I did my research when these clot shots first came out and what I found out was beyond horrible. Neither me nor my husband got them.

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Are there any confirmed reports of individuals still living who have generated such clots and have them removed? I think the question ultimately is does everyone who had an mRNA vaxx suffer from this type of clotting. It not, then what is the mechanism that prevents these clots.

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Dear Dr. Campell.

Please reach out to me, I'm a living proof, that you can survive being vaccinated and was serious ill and disabled with autoimmune and chronicly illness's as well as countless small blood clots in both parts of the brain etc. - nearly died twice!

Now I'm 100% well and so gratefull that someone reached put to me and told me to have a closer look at a World Break-through natural product.

Sending you lots of christmas regards



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