Hello John, I've been following you since you started posting on Covid back in early 2020. Your info is top notch, but honestly it's your truly comforting wit and charm that keeps me coming back for more. If it wasn't for you and Tucker Carlson, I think i would have gone crazy! So thank you.

I was wondering if you'd considered doing a video about Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) for use disinfection, antisepsis, and wound care? I believe they have found a way to stabilize it and extend the shelf life so now it is available everywhere, including Amazon in sizes up to a gallon (I discovered this morning, to my surprise). When i searched 'duck duck go' for Pure Hypochlorous Acid I came across a WHO link of a PDF titled 'Application for Inclusion in the 2021 WHO Essential Medicines List'. If you have a spare moment, please take a look at the submission. It's truly amazing! Kills just about everything on surfaces and topically with no resistance build up and no side effects and no PPE required. This could help a lot of people because it's cheap and effective and I hope you read this message and take a look. Dr. John Campbell, you are always in my prayers and thank you for putting up with so much bs to keep us all informed with our spirits lifted! Love ya!

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Very interesting, thanks. Obviously you've been a great and respected teacher.

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I'm fascinated with the way the living body functions and Dr. John you feed and nurture that fascination, Thank You!

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Thanks Dr. C. As always taking your presentation & teaching skills to non medical folk like me. To an easily understood explanation. Appreciated.

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