This is a great way to educate lay people about the heart and circulatory system!

Good show!😄

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Have you seen this more modern understanding of the heart - the work on the "helical heart" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v75tpamodY4

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Fascinating - thanks for posting link.

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According to the National Physical Laboratory SI unit guidelines,

"Unit symbols are unaltered in the plural."


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My baby has a congenital heart condition. Tetralogy of fallot with Pulmonary atresia and MAPCAs. He has no pulmonary artery at all with his lungs being supplied of blood via the MAPCAs that come off his Aorta. He has stents/shunts keeping them patent, as the cells they are made of tend to behave like duct cells. He's awaiting Unifolcalisation surgery. They will use a conduit to create a PA, and connect the MAPCAs to that, and close the VSD. He's 18months and has an average O2 level of 85%. Just thought I'd share how the amazing heart can try create its own network of vessels in the event of malformation. Also, how amazing surgical options and treatments have advanced. Pray for us

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Thanks for this post John :)

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Thank you for the refresher. I'm taking my "herd immunity to factual information (TM-me)" national RN board exam next month as a naturally immune to B.S. RN student.

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Thank you so much! You are such a gifted teacher. :)

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Thank you Dr. C. Great to see your here on Substack!

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