Extremely interesting! Had I known this prior to the roll out of vaccinations I would seriously not have bothered with these vaccines! My Mother had MS & I was told it could be hereditary. Just for your information I came across a u-tube video from Drbeen medical lectures title is, Increased Blindness Associated with mRNA vaccines. It is an excellent paper carried out by the Taiwanese using data collected from the US. As my husband already suffered from Central Retinopathy Vein Occlusion he to said that had he known there was this risk he would not have had any of the mRNA vaccines! Keep up the good work that you do you are an inspiration
May I offer you a link to Walter Chestnut's substack, where he's done rather extensive work on the myelination issue, and looked at remedies also - https://wmcresearch.substack.com/
Recently he did an article assessing the evidence base for two remyelination treatments, fasting and metformin. Metformin is a prescription drug here in the UK, but berberine will have the same effect and can be bought without prescription.
Additionally, there is clemastine, which can be very helpful for sufferers of MS and other myelin-related syndromes. Clemastine is the active ingredient in a number of over-the-counter antihistamines, and has a good safety profile. In the UK you'd want to look for the brand Tavegil.
I have been trying to warn people of the dangers of vaccines, all vaccines, since June 2020 when I realised we had been fooled by big pharma etc. We had been warned by others prior to that over many decades but the information was suppressed by the vested interests.
Avoid all vaccines please and also big pharma neuro-toxic drugs.
I'm not surprised. Pretty soon they'll be saying that everyone was warned about this, that they voluntarily entered the experiment. Just like Orwell's other masterpiece: no animal shall sleep in a bed - with sheets.
Its like the way that cigarette companies now have a warning on their packets so their customers can't sue them as they've been " warned".
This is no surprise coming from a new, mRNA vaccine--which is why vaccine development normally can take 5-10 years before being released to the public in order to check for unwanted side effects.
I dont believe other vaccines are that much safer. The strategies used by medical companies didnt come with the mRNA-vaccines. They have been used for decades.
1. Dont ask questions you dont want answers to
2. Design your safety study so the vaccine cant fail.
3. Use another vaccine as the "placebo" to hide short term side effects
4. Give the placebogroup the vaccine to hide longterm side effects
5. Use the mechanism of action as placebo (aluminium)
6. If someone dare to ask meaningful questions force the publisher to take down the paper asap and/or destroy their reputation.
No one in my family has had a vaccine since my son aged nearly 3 reacted very badly to the first dose of the vaccine that was the one before the MMR. He developed cold symptom and had a febrile fit. It was terrifying.
Quite so. But please believe, indeed know, that all vaccines ever are if anything poisons. They help manufacture disease for big pharma to 'treat' which is good for business.
I may have said this to you before but all vaccines are a complete and utter scam. I used to think they were of some use but not for the 'flu as people fell ill anyway.
I researched properly in 2020 and realised they are designed to make people ill (but not too many in case too many people get suspicious).
Yes, and he has also covered treatments / remyelination strategies (fasting, and Metformin ...or berberine if Metformin is prescription-only wherever you live).
Clemastine is another - available over the counter in most countries, marketed under the name Tavegil / Tavegyl (it's an antihistamine).
Interesting though that if you request a poem about Putin in English in chatgbt it politely refuses to oblige, but if you request it in Russian, it comes up with a 100% positive ode to Putin's greatness. In other words.....
Interesting test - I guess they are busy manipulating the western languages and Russian might not be their priority yet ... but I cannot comment a lot as I didnt try ChatGBT so far ;)
But maybe try in Yandex eg "vaccine injury" or "Kazarian Mafia" (in case you are interested to know who is behind this whole Covid scam and much more) ... and compare the differences in outcome vs Google or Duckduckgo
Just goes to show - shit in shit out. Most people are sleepwalking. Some if them wake up if they ot their loved ones are directly affected, but some will still insist on believing the crap we are fed. I guess the truth is just too terrifying for most people.
Glad to finally see you on Substack, Dr. Campbell...sorry that it's about this topic. I have small fiber neuropathy that I suspect may have been caused or aggravated by fluroquinolone antibiotic use. Had I understood the impact of nerve damage on my life, I would have never taken the Avalox, which was for a mild sinus infection (and it didn't even help)!
Far too often the medical profession is way too cavalier about the horrific negative impact of nerve damage. Now, unlike people with MS, my motor nerves are fine, but feet burn and my body buzzes; my vagus nerve is messed up; I have POTS; I have chronic "vestibular migraines." I was worried for a while I had MS but tested negative. The thing is, my nerve issues are actually what kept me from taking the covid vaccines in the first place...so perhaps it was a mixed blessing.
At any rate, no-one should be given a risk of serious nerve damage or a progressive neurological disorder from a medicine. Anything that can do this should be taken off the market ASAP! Nerve damage is a type of hell. Mine is low-grade but I've heard a lot worse - there is a guy on Twitter right now (Mike O'Mara) who says he has an ALS type muscle wasting/neurological illness following covid vaccination and he's seeking assisted suicide unfortunately. :-(
For this ol' mechanic, ms S, it's numbness&shooting pins&needles that are
much worse at 3AM ...go figure...That agony is on par with the 1/2 foot 3rd degree burn from 10yrs ago that took 3yrs to heal...GREAT Rx news 1/nicotine chewing gum...'our bodies contain nicotinic receptors for acetylcholine.'
'Nicotine is a pain reliever in trauma- and chemotherapy-induced neuropathy models '
2/ As well, hpathic Reckeweg R69+,R70 =Neuritis Drops AND 3/ 'Sahacharadi Thailam an ayurvedic oil used internally as well as externally in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and neurological diseases such as sciatica, paralysis, and numbness due to nervine weakness. It is used for managing imbalances in muscles, ligaments, tendons, joints, reduces swelling
and promotes more flexibility.
It is useful in Ayurvedic treatment of Vata diseases, tremors,convulsions,psychosis,stiffness of thigh,muscle cramps and muscle wasting.' 4/ PLUS Osteopathic manipulation & TCM from a real doc, not some chiro with 4 weekend acupuncture courses, declaring themselves as acupuncturists! 5/ no Dairy [notmilk.com,yt 'dairy dangers;' as the millions of bacteria &viruses in milk migrate into the CNS/ANS, causing pain et havoc. cheers
What do you think about other autoimmune diseases? Like for instance Rheumatoid arthritis or similar... Could they also pop up after a vaccination? My newly found Rheumatologist seems to think that is what has happened to me and other patients that have spent a year being given the run around because no US doctors seem to know or even think anything C19 vaccine. This Rheumatologist was the first doctor in the last year and a half of hell I've been through, to say he believes the problems I'm having with inflammation in my entire body was due to that one shot of Moderna ...when they give me Steroids my entire body goes completely back to normal...Salt is now my enemy so many symptoms and no answers ...John Campbell has been my only lifeline on these topics... May God have favor on this good man for being strong enough to take a stand, but in the smartest of ways...💕💕💕💕
Very sorry to hear about your issues. All vaccines ever did or do was to make people ill (assuming they did not contain in some instances saline to keep people from getting too suspicious).
Most big pharma drugs are neuro-toxic and harmful. The useful ones would not normally be necessary if we had not been poisoned by big pharma in the first place.
Most US doctors in general are very ignorant at best, subservient to the love of money, the root of all kinds of evil. But here in the UK things are little better I am sorry to say.
Clicking on the link, I found it did not lead me to the WHO website, but to another one. This site says I can ask for other languages but it does not work. And I can’t find it on the WHO website if I start from the real WHO website🤔. It has happened to me before. I’m not sure this is from the WHO website……I haven’t checked if the links for the studies lead to real studies. I do not question your integrity, dr John. I thank you for all your hard work!🙏🏻. But you have to really look closely these days! It would have been to blatant a difference with all the rest that is going on!
The full text has been removed by WHO however you can still access it through the ECTRIMS 2022 eposter PDF. I would urge your viewers and readers to access the eposter as it demonstrates what Patients with MS (PwMS) and their healthcare practitioners were going through during the pandemic. I would also encourage you to take a look as there are other papers in there which might be of interest.
(1) The ECTRIMS 2022 papers make no mention of the Long Covid patients (including non-vaccinated Long Covid patients) whose MS became active after Covid infection. This will no doubt come up in future conferences. The numbers are significant and alarming.
(2) You have taken this paper, EP0942, from ECTRIMS 2022, an MS conference, where it was presented as a poster in amongst all the other MS-Covid research. Covid is mentioned 240 times within the ECTRIMS paper but you highlight a single poster covering just 2 case studies implicating the vaccine as a causal agent of MS.
In the interests of balance ECTRIMS also has:
EP0807: 3 cases of CNS inflammation after the J&J vaccine (MS-like but not necessarily MS)
EP0810: 10 cases of CNS inflammatory demyelinating disease (IDD) after vaccination (could be MS, could be other CNS IDD)
EP0942: 2 patients with MS after the vaccine - which you talk about.
EP1202: a literature review of 33 new cases of MS or similar disease, 48 cases of MS relapse and 26 cases of MS pseudo-relapse (reactivation of existing site of disease activity) following Covid infection.
So that’s 107 cases after infection - including new conditions or relapses
and 15 cases after vaccination.
Now we like WHO so, according to the WHO:
There were 767,364,883 confirmed Covid infections
There were 13,355,264,024 vaccine doses administered.
In ECTRIMS 2022 we have:
15 reported incidences of MS after vaccine, that’s 15 in 13,355,264,024 or 1 in 890 million
And we have 107 cases after infection, that’s 107 in 767,364,883 or 1 in 7 million
Those are pretty low odds on both sides. But it does look as though you’re 124x MORE likely to develop MS first time or have an MS flare up / episode / brain damage after catching covid than you are from the vaccine.
Just a clarification: MS or CNS "attacks" and lesions and episodes and "flare ups" - it's brain damage. All of these CNS incidents are brain or spinal column damage - it's serious stuff. Really rare - MS occurs naturally in 1 in 200 to 1 in 1000 people depending on where you are (rarer the more sunlight you get as a baby).
It needs to be stressed here: people who “develop” MS - it’s not a fast process, the factors for having MS will have been in place already, the EBV infection and antibodies, the errant EBV response, the CD40L signalling pathway unique to EBV-infected B cells to trigger anti-myelin autoimmunity. All of that needs to be there before T cells can start bothering myelin sheath cells. Whether that process is accelerated by a Covid vaccine or (as is 124x more likely) by a Covid infection, these other factors must also be in play otherwise MS simply does not happen.
Meanwhile EP0848 mentions that in 2062 PwMS the relapse rate in MS was the same as it had been prior to the pandemic and prior to vaccination. So if the vaccine is activating the disease, it isn’t doing so for most people.
One aspect you’re missing is that activated T cells have a pretty scattergun approach to protein recognition. In most disease response you have B cells signalling to the T cells following which the B cells start to generate antibodies (slowly) to target whatever it is that’s provoking a response while T cells produce cytokines. These cytokines can lead to the cytokine storms we saw with early Covid variants and the incidences of “happy hypoxia”. Activated T cells attack anything that looks vaguely like their target and finding that Covid infection can trigger T-cell mediated MS relapses isn’t a surprise.
In terms of latency to MS presentation - lesions usually present within the space of 12 months after EBV infection. However lesions are normally asymptomatic and it can be years or even decades before the first MS “attack” or it might never happen - there are plenty of MS diagnoses that are post-mortem in people who were seemingly “normal” whose brains turned out to have lesions in, it's not a linear relationship.
I am wondering whether the fact that the vaccines end up everywhere in our body and deposit the mRNA in whatever cell they encounter could potentially have an impact on the likely hood of developing CD4+ helper cells that would be also targeting your own cells/myelin... especially when your spinal cord or brain is mass producing spike protein...
From the very beginning I was skeptical, when they told us that the LNPs would stay in our arms, our own cells would produce the antigen and that would just train our immune system. There was never a real explanation on how that training would work out for the cell producing the antigen.
And I actually asked health departments to explain that to me in more detail...
The 'training our immune' system is a complete lie and always was. Vaccines if anything are poisons pure and simple. Vaccinologists are part of an evil cult, more like Macbeth's witches than anything else.
I had immuno-therapy in 2020 until I realised what was going on. Ingredients and working seem to be very similar to current vaccines. Oncologists as bad as vaccinologists.
Now I've read a few more comments and papers from the links people have thoughtfully provided,well thhe vaccination so called is the gift that just keeps on giving very bad news.
Extremely interesting! Had I known this prior to the roll out of vaccinations I would seriously not have bothered with these vaccines! My Mother had MS & I was told it could be hereditary. Just for your information I came across a u-tube video from Drbeen medical lectures title is, Increased Blindness Associated with mRNA vaccines. It is an excellent paper carried out by the Taiwanese using data collected from the US. As my husband already suffered from Central Retinopathy Vein Occlusion he to said that had he known there was this risk he would not have had any of the mRNA vaccines! Keep up the good work that you do you are an inspiration
May I offer you a link to Walter Chestnut's substack, where he's done rather extensive work on the myelination issue, and looked at remedies also - https://wmcresearch.substack.com/
Recently he did an article assessing the evidence base for two remyelination treatments, fasting and metformin. Metformin is a prescription drug here in the UK, but berberine will have the same effect and can be bought without prescription.
Additionally, there is clemastine, which can be very helpful for sufferers of MS and other myelin-related syndromes. Clemastine is the active ingredient in a number of over-the-counter antihistamines, and has a good safety profile. In the UK you'd want to look for the brand Tavegil.
These vaccines were full of red flags as soon as they rolled out. Some just didn't notice, or don't have good news sources.
I have been trying to warn people of the dangers of vaccines, all vaccines, since June 2020 when I realised we had been fooled by big pharma etc. We had been warned by others prior to that over many decades but the information was suppressed by the vested interests.
Avoid all vaccines please and also big pharma neuro-toxic drugs.
I saw that, too. Terrifying.
I'm not surprised. Pretty soon they'll be saying that everyone was warned about this, that they voluntarily entered the experiment. Just like Orwell's other masterpiece: no animal shall sleep in a bed - with sheets.
Its like the way that cigarette companies now have a warning on their packets so their customers can't sue them as they've been " warned".
This is no surprise coming from a new, mRNA vaccine--which is why vaccine development normally can take 5-10 years before being released to the public in order to check for unwanted side effects.
I dont believe other vaccines are that much safer. The strategies used by medical companies didnt come with the mRNA-vaccines. They have been used for decades.
1. Dont ask questions you dont want answers to
2. Design your safety study so the vaccine cant fail.
3. Use another vaccine as the "placebo" to hide short term side effects
4. Give the placebogroup the vaccine to hide longterm side effects
5. Use the mechanism of action as placebo (aluminium)
6. If someone dare to ask meaningful questions force the publisher to take down the paper asap and/or destroy their reputation.
Etc etc.
No one in my family has had a vaccine since my son aged nearly 3 reacted very badly to the first dose of the vaccine that was the one before the MMR. He developed cold symptom and had a febrile fit. It was terrifying.
Quite so. But please believe, indeed know, that all vaccines ever are if anything poisons. They help manufacture disease for big pharma to 'treat' which is good for business.
I may have said this to you before but all vaccines are a complete and utter scam. I used to think they were of some use but not for the 'flu as people fell ill anyway.
I researched properly in 2020 and realised they are designed to make people ill (but not too many in case too many people get suspicious).
Why would be a good idea to allow a foreign set of instructions into our genetic material? mRNA stunk from day one of being announced.
I left my job to keep myself from its safe and effective properties.
Indeed and why was it ever a good idea to poison ourselves in the name of public health.
Walter Chesnut has a theory how demyelination in the brain stem may be causing SADS.
Yes, and he has also covered treatments / remyelination strategies (fasting, and Metformin ...or berberine if Metformin is prescription-only wherever you live).
Clemastine is another - available over the counter in most countries, marketed under the name Tavegil / Tavegyl (it's an antihistamine).
Hi John,
I saw you look for a better search engine, that does not censor like all the western engines.
I recommend you try www.yandex.com
A Russian search engine which gives me way better results. Just try with a few "critical" terms. I guess you will see the difference ;)
Otherwise great job. Keep sharing the truth.
Interesting though that if you request a poem about Putin in English in chatgbt it politely refuses to oblige, but if you request it in Russian, it comes up with a 100% positive ode to Putin's greatness. In other words.....
Interesting test - I guess they are busy manipulating the western languages and Russian might not be their priority yet ... but I cannot comment a lot as I didnt try ChatGBT so far ;)
But maybe try in Yandex eg "vaccine injury" or "Kazarian Mafia" (in case you are interested to know who is behind this whole Covid scam and much more) ... and compare the differences in outcome vs Google or Duckduckgo
Just goes to show - shit in shit out. Most people are sleepwalking. Some if them wake up if they ot their loved ones are directly affected, but some will still insist on believing the crap we are fed. I guess the truth is just too terrifying for most people.
Putin putin' the boot in.
Glad to finally see you on Substack, Dr. Campbell...sorry that it's about this topic. I have small fiber neuropathy that I suspect may have been caused or aggravated by fluroquinolone antibiotic use. Had I understood the impact of nerve damage on my life, I would have never taken the Avalox, which was for a mild sinus infection (and it didn't even help)!
Far too often the medical profession is way too cavalier about the horrific negative impact of nerve damage. Now, unlike people with MS, my motor nerves are fine, but feet burn and my body buzzes; my vagus nerve is messed up; I have POTS; I have chronic "vestibular migraines." I was worried for a while I had MS but tested negative. The thing is, my nerve issues are actually what kept me from taking the covid vaccines in the first place...so perhaps it was a mixed blessing.
At any rate, no-one should be given a risk of serious nerve damage or a progressive neurological disorder from a medicine. Anything that can do this should be taken off the market ASAP! Nerve damage is a type of hell. Mine is low-grade but I've heard a lot worse - there is a guy on Twitter right now (Mike O'Mara) who says he has an ALS type muscle wasting/neurological illness following covid vaccination and he's seeking assisted suicide unfortunately. :-(
A number of Fluoroquinolones are capable of yielding free Fluoride ion, which causes Demyelination
I'm sorry this happened to you. I had damage from fluoroquinolones too. Look into thiamine, B1, for relief. I'm completely better now.
For this ol' mechanic, ms S, it's numbness&shooting pins&needles that are
much worse at 3AM ...go figure...That agony is on par with the 1/2 foot 3rd degree burn from 10yrs ago that took 3yrs to heal...GREAT Rx news 1/nicotine chewing gum...'our bodies contain nicotinic receptors for acetylcholine.'
viz., neurocluster-db.meduniwien.ac.at/db_files/pub_art_348.pdf
13 pgs' Role of α5-containing nicotinic receptors in neuropathic pain and response to nicotine'
----'When cancer patients undergo chemotherapy,
60%-70% experience peripheral neuropathy, or nerve damage
outside the brain and spinal cord resulting in numbness, pain and tingling in hands and feet. '===
researchgate.net /publication/236642355_Nicotine_is_a_pain_reliever_in_trauma-_and_chemotherapy-induced_neuropathy_models
'Nicotine is a pain reliever in trauma- and chemotherapy-induced neuropathy models '
2/ As well, hpathic Reckeweg R69+,R70 =Neuritis Drops AND 3/ 'Sahacharadi Thailam an ayurvedic oil used internally as well as externally in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and neurological diseases such as sciatica, paralysis, and numbness due to nervine weakness. It is used for managing imbalances in muscles, ligaments, tendons, joints, reduces swelling
and promotes more flexibility.
It is useful in Ayurvedic treatment of Vata diseases, tremors,convulsions,psychosis,stiffness of thigh,muscle cramps and muscle wasting.' 4/ PLUS Osteopathic manipulation & TCM from a real doc, not some chiro with 4 weekend acupuncture courses, declaring themselves as acupuncturists! 5/ no Dairy [notmilk.com,yt 'dairy dangers;' as the millions of bacteria &viruses in milk migrate into the CNS/ANS, causing pain et havoc. cheers
What do you think about other autoimmune diseases? Like for instance Rheumatoid arthritis or similar... Could they also pop up after a vaccination? My newly found Rheumatologist seems to think that is what has happened to me and other patients that have spent a year being given the run around because no US doctors seem to know or even think anything C19 vaccine. This Rheumatologist was the first doctor in the last year and a half of hell I've been through, to say he believes the problems I'm having with inflammation in my entire body was due to that one shot of Moderna ...when they give me Steroids my entire body goes completely back to normal...Salt is now my enemy so many symptoms and no answers ...John Campbell has been my only lifeline on these topics... May God have favor on this good man for being strong enough to take a stand, but in the smartest of ways...💕💕💕💕
Very sorry to hear about your issues. All vaccines ever did or do was to make people ill (assuming they did not contain in some instances saline to keep people from getting too suspicious).
Most big pharma drugs are neuro-toxic and harmful. The useful ones would not normally be necessary if we had not been poisoned by big pharma in the first place.
They are a satanic deceit on the nations.
Most US doctors in general are very ignorant at best, subservient to the love of money, the root of all kinds of evil. But here in the UK things are little better I am sorry to say.
Thanks for Sharing Dr Campbell a interesting paper
Clicking on the link, I found it did not lead me to the WHO website, but to another one. This site says I can ask for other languages but it does not work. And I can’t find it on the WHO website if I start from the real WHO website🤔. It has happened to me before. I’m not sure this is from the WHO website……I haven’t checked if the links for the studies lead to real studies. I do not question your integrity, dr John. I thank you for all your hard work!🙏🏻. But you have to really look closely these days! It would have been to blatant a difference with all the rest that is going on!
I believe they took it down as it was attracting too much interest
Here is a link to the article: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/epub/10.1177/13524585221123682 - The identifier is "EP0942"
Further evidence that messenger RNA cross the blood brain barrier? Do dendritic T cells cross the BBB? I thought not.
Will be interesting to see if we see neurofibrillary, tangles and prion disease as well.
See this: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10108897/#:~:text=Some%20CNS%20demyelination%20diseases%20such,19%20vaccine%20administration%20was%20reported. This was in the National Library of Medicine site.
The full text has been removed by WHO however you can still access it through the ECTRIMS 2022 eposter PDF. I would urge your viewers and readers to access the eposter as it demonstrates what Patients with MS (PwMS) and their healthcare practitioners were going through during the pandemic. I would also encourage you to take a look as there are other papers in there which might be of interest.
(1) The ECTRIMS 2022 papers make no mention of the Long Covid patients (including non-vaccinated Long Covid patients) whose MS became active after Covid infection. This will no doubt come up in future conferences. The numbers are significant and alarming.
(2) You have taken this paper, EP0942, from ECTRIMS 2022, an MS conference, where it was presented as a poster in amongst all the other MS-Covid research. Covid is mentioned 240 times within the ECTRIMS paper but you highlight a single poster covering just 2 case studies implicating the vaccine as a causal agent of MS.
In the interests of balance ECTRIMS also has:
EP0807: 3 cases of CNS inflammation after the J&J vaccine (MS-like but not necessarily MS)
EP0810: 10 cases of CNS inflammatory demyelinating disease (IDD) after vaccination (could be MS, could be other CNS IDD)
EP0942: 2 patients with MS after the vaccine - which you talk about.
EP1202: a literature review of 33 new cases of MS or similar disease, 48 cases of MS relapse and 26 cases of MS pseudo-relapse (reactivation of existing site of disease activity) following Covid infection.
So that’s 107 cases after infection - including new conditions or relapses
and 15 cases after vaccination.
Now we like WHO so, according to the WHO:
There were 767,364,883 confirmed Covid infections
There were 13,355,264,024 vaccine doses administered.
In ECTRIMS 2022 we have:
15 reported incidences of MS after vaccine, that’s 15 in 13,355,264,024 or 1 in 890 million
And we have 107 cases after infection, that’s 107 in 767,364,883 or 1 in 7 million
Those are pretty low odds on both sides. But it does look as though you’re 124x MORE likely to develop MS first time or have an MS flare up / episode / brain damage after catching covid than you are from the vaccine.
Just a clarification: MS or CNS "attacks" and lesions and episodes and "flare ups" - it's brain damage. All of these CNS incidents are brain or spinal column damage - it's serious stuff. Really rare - MS occurs naturally in 1 in 200 to 1 in 1000 people depending on where you are (rarer the more sunlight you get as a baby).
It needs to be stressed here: people who “develop” MS - it’s not a fast process, the factors for having MS will have been in place already, the EBV infection and antibodies, the errant EBV response, the CD40L signalling pathway unique to EBV-infected B cells to trigger anti-myelin autoimmunity. All of that needs to be there before T cells can start bothering myelin sheath cells. Whether that process is accelerated by a Covid vaccine or (as is 124x more likely) by a Covid infection, these other factors must also be in play otherwise MS simply does not happen.
Meanwhile EP0848 mentions that in 2062 PwMS the relapse rate in MS was the same as it had been prior to the pandemic and prior to vaccination. So if the vaccine is activating the disease, it isn’t doing so for most people.
One aspect you’re missing is that activated T cells have a pretty scattergun approach to protein recognition. In most disease response you have B cells signalling to the T cells following which the B cells start to generate antibodies (slowly) to target whatever it is that’s provoking a response while T cells produce cytokines. These cytokines can lead to the cytokine storms we saw with early Covid variants and the incidences of “happy hypoxia”. Activated T cells attack anything that looks vaguely like their target and finding that Covid infection can trigger T-cell mediated MS relapses isn’t a surprise.
In terms of latency to MS presentation - lesions usually present within the space of 12 months after EBV infection. However lesions are normally asymptomatic and it can be years or even decades before the first MS “attack” or it might never happen - there are plenty of MS diagnoses that are post-mortem in people who were seemingly “normal” whose brains turned out to have lesions in, it's not a linear relationship.
I am wondering whether the fact that the vaccines end up everywhere in our body and deposit the mRNA in whatever cell they encounter could potentially have an impact on the likely hood of developing CD4+ helper cells that would be also targeting your own cells/myelin... especially when your spinal cord or brain is mass producing spike protein...
From the very beginning I was skeptical, when they told us that the LNPs would stay in our arms, our own cells would produce the antigen and that would just train our immune system. There was never a real explanation on how that training would work out for the cell producing the antigen.
And I actually asked health departments to explain that to me in more detail...
The 'training our immune' system is a complete lie and always was. Vaccines if anything are poisons pure and simple. Vaccinologists are part of an evil cult, more like Macbeth's witches than anything else.
I had immuno-therapy in 2020 until I realised what was going on. Ingredients and working seem to be very similar to current vaccines. Oncologists as bad as vaccinologists.
Time to watch out for ads for more MS drugs.
Indeed create a disease then sell you something to 'heal' it. When I say 'heal' I mean manage the symptoms of course.
Now I've read a few more comments and papers from the links people have thoughtfully provided,well thhe vaccination so called is the gift that just keeps on giving very bad news.