Thank you, Dr. John, for this informative video on breast health. I am so glad to see you moving in this direction of natural/functional medicine. I think, after the jab debacle, people are hungry for info on how to care for themselves using food and natural supplements rather than being treated like sheep by doctors who want them dependent on pharma. The info on iodine is very important, as most allopathic doctors are taught that iodine as a supplement is toxic, which is blatantly false. I take iodine, usually 12.5 mg a day, though sometimes more, with no problem.

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The Greatest "Achievement" Of The Internet

Is To Disconnect Us From One Another

And To Keep Us Tethered To It [ IT ]

"Injected Code" Serves The Same End.

Congratulations To You If You Knew Not To Be Injected.

And Thank You For That.

You Have Made Many Friends. As Is Your Due.

Find Them Where You Are.


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Well the death jabs certainly aren't helping that's for sure.

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As always, thank you for bringing us information!!!!

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i started watching your videos just after your "conversion". i had already been suspicious about the jab and, as luck would have it, one of your videos popped into my newsfeed. i am a 68 year old veteran firefighter in amerika (my spelling). during my 26 years of firefighting i sprayed firefighting foam around the globe at the rate of tens-to-thousands of gallons per minute for minutes at a time. that foam contained perfluorinated chemicals (PFAS) that are now in nearly every human being on this planet.

PFAS are known to cause several cancers as well as interfere with vaccines.

i wonder what the various levels of PFAS were in the blood and organs of the excess deaths...

of course we'll never find out unless and until we exhume the remains of the dead (something that can be done at any time in the future since PFAS do not break down in nature, they are the "forever" chemicals). even the ashes of the embalmed will still contain all the PFAS they carried.

we are missing a golden opportunity for our proginy...

anyway- thank you so much for what you have been adding to our educational system. always a pleasure to attend your classes! cheers from tennessee!

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Thank you so much for providing so many answers to our health problems. I am determined to get natural progesterone and to check my iodine and proceed cautiously. And check Vit 6 vs 3.

Now to find a good doctor. I had found a naturopath but she followed CDC guidelines so I dropped her. Maybe I suck it up and go back?

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No. Find a better one. Typically the older ones are better in this regard.

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I won't/ don't use PayPal. Have you other means of contributing?

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Many thanks for your video. One of the simplest measures is to avoid big pharma products as they cause cancer.

I have a LHS facial palsy with a deaf left ear and tiredness and restricted energy. I was given a diagnosis of cancer in early 2020 following 1.5 years of tests and scans. I received expensive immuno-therapy treatment until Sept that year when I worked out what was really going on, sodium nitrite (E250) poisoning via bacon I ate.

The knowledge of the problems with this neuro-toxic substance has been around for over 100 years yet not one doctor ever asked me about diet, not one!

You might therefore possibly be interested in this post of mine on the matter.


The cancer industry a scam by big pharma to make a lot of money at people's expense; it is not good business to make people well.



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