Dr. Campbell—John, if I may—I want to warmly welcome you to Substack and applaud you for the courageous humility you have displayed throughout your journey of awakening to the deceptions and destruction surrounding COVID policies.

I first encountered you when your interview with Kyle Warner happened to autoplay after another video, and I was so moved by it, I included it in this November 2021 piece:

• “Letter to a Holocaust Denier” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier)

I know many people have shared Dr. Tess Lawrie’s reading of my poem “Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice” with you and hope you have had a chance to watch it and read the poem, extensively hyperlinked (like all my work) to substantiating evidence:

• “Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem-57a / https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem / https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-one-poem-to)

Thank you also for recently speaking with James Roguski and highlighting the totalitarian threat posed by the WHO’s proposed IHR amendments and pandemic treaty, topics I covered last year and am grateful for James to relentlessly pursuing:

• “Letter to the WHO” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-who)

• “Letter to the US HHS Office of Global Affairs” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-us-hhs-office-of-global)

• “What If They Threw a Pandemic and Nobody Came?” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/what-if-they-threw-a-pandemic-and)

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Mistakes were not made is a powerful indictment beautifully recited by Dr. Laurie.

I came across it just as “authorities” were starting to publicly backpedal and request that the rest of us ‘just get on with it’ as though their pandemic policies had been a mere misunderstanding!

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Thank you for your moving words, AG. I’m not sure if you read the intro I wrote to accompany the original publication of the poem on New Year’s Day (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/mistakes-were-not-made-an-anthem), but it was inspired by a conversation with Mike Yeadon as we were both noticing that even people within the medical freedom community were starting to use language indicating that the COVID response was “bungled.” To my delight and relief, some of the very people I was aiming to reach immediately understood the message and helped with spreading the word that Mistakes Were NOT Made.

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Look at the death tolls in the UK vs Thailand, S.Korea, etc where people went along with gov't policy. Thailand shut it's borders in April 2020, we had 1000s of deaths they had less than 100 at the time with a 'safety first' approach. Considering a great part of Thailand's income revolves around tourism this decision didn't come lightly. Lockdowns wee followed rigidly whilst in the UK I was watching videos of people crowding Acton Tube station to go to work.

Where it was 'costly' to the UK was to consumerism & food supply and the businesses involved in that. The loans that the Gov't took out were not done for our benefit,, we taxpayers will be paying the £700Bn back and as more than one economist has said, The vast majority of that ended up in the pockets of the wealthy, furlough money went the same way as most people's wages, to enable people to live. It's been described as the biggest shift in wealth from the poorest to the richest in over 50yrs. We could have had a debt moratorium for the money (suspension of all rent, mortgage and debt repayments) which would've made the £700Bn a lot smaller, but I can't see the owners of wealth agreeing to that. So we all got loaded with a massive debt that the poorest are having to pay back.

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Thailand has good levels of sunshine and I assume a better diet so vitamin D and health generally better.

They have a younger population and much more rural, all obvious factors.

COVID 19 was and is the 'flu re-branded to make more money for big pharma etc. The 'f;u is not transmissible. We have been lied to big time by government and politicians etc. generally on all sides who have made money out of a fabricated crisis and indebting many as you say.


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Energy science research can get you into trouble....

Please read, i feel endangered.:



And feel free to cross-post!

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Thank you for your interest. I feel I need to get this out, for my safety.

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Hi John.

Welcome to substack!

May I point you to one of the most beautiful natural experiments on lockdown ineffectivity from our more sensible friends in Denmark.


It is a preprint and has sat on preprint since January 2021. Given it is very damming for lockdowns and it is about as good a natural experiment as you can get one wonders why it has not been published in all this time?

At this stage I think we all know why.

Love your work sir, than you.

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Energy science research can get you into trouble....

Please read, i feel endangered.:



And feel free to cross-post!

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Dr John, your persistence I find so reassuring do please continue and bring to light the truth we all need, bless you.

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We all suffered and are still suffering with mental distress because many family doctors all but vacated their stations and now only partially have resumed their medical responsibilities to their list of clients.

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Many doctors brains vacated their skulls. I was misdiagnosed in early 2020 and treated unnecessarily with toxic immuno-therapy which I found out latter contains largely similar ingredients to the current vaccines.

The NHS in the UK is by an large a useless bloated organisation which lost its head completely in 2020. Most doctors do very little of real use and are overpaid. We do not need most of them if we eat and drink properly and avoid big pharma vaccines and drugs.

I had to diagnose myself to work out what really happened to cause my facial palsy. This was it.


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It is interesting to watch this on the same evening that I re-started listening to Alex Berenson’s book, Pandemia, which has a few choice words about Neil Ferguson, whose modeling had a well-established history of being utterly wrong going back to swine flu.

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You're telling me. I wrote this on that nasty little man Neil 'Sod all' Ferguson. He is responsible for mass murder.


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Living next to the border of Austria, where my family all live now. I could not get to them. ALL borders were closed. I could not see them. In Austria the unjabbed were treated like lepers. Shunned, discriminated against and locked down.

Absolutely no one I knew, or my friends or family knew got seriously ill nor died with this virus. I had covid and did not even go to bed with it. I am unjabbed and a healthy, fit and slim 66 year old. I know some people got very ill.

I believe this virus was produced and so many crimes, corruptions and injustices took place using it. It has left scars on us all. Psychologically, financially, emotionally, socially , physically.

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I am as always very sorry to hear what happened to you. We had our own issues too here in the UK. The good thing is it woke us up to what has been really going on over the decades.

The virus was always a psychological operation, a deceit to get people to take harmful if not deadly vaccines etc. This was the start of it in Wuhan for example.


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All of the hoops you are having to constantly jump through just to exercise the right to speak and our right to hear your speech freely is shameful. There will be a reckoning.

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And I just wanted to let you know John, thank you for your excellent work. We all really appreciate your commitment & precision, and you are making a big difference.

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Hi John, Thank you so much for your regular reporting and I am so glad to be able to view your thoughts and videos via Substack rather than YouTube. I'd rather support you via this uncensored service.

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Hi John - sorry for the informality but I think I know you well having followed your informative Youtube videos over the last three years!

Thank you for your increase in my knowlege! Am I being a bit paranoid in suspecting that a certain organisation might have whispered into your ears after you posted the video yesterday that you soon took down?

My background is in science and I was aways taught to follow the evidence when I started a research project in the groups I was employed in. Your talks have demonstrated how much of our establishment failed to do the same!

Thank you again and keep up the good work!

David Stewart

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Wonderful to still be able to receive your videos on substack. Thankyou for your continued efforts to bring us information and truth.

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That's still 23,000 EU and 16,000 US lives saved from a horrible death, don't know how many lives lost to direct and indirect results of the lock downs. We should do better next time.

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Here in US alone the life and disability claims were astronomical!💔 It about bankrupt the industry. I have link to that info if you like Dr John Campbell.💝

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I'm interested in the PCR test that I mentioned in the post - that can test for infectiousness.


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Hello from the UK. Glad that you can post your stuff here.

As regards lockdowns I realised in 2020 they were a waste of time as regards COVID 19 which is the seasonal 'flu re-branded to make big pharma more money. Lockdowns did however give people the chance to stop and reflect on their lives and that we do not have to charge around like mad things.

As a consequence I wrote this.


I have also written this re the second lockdown in a humorous vein to try and wake people up.


As I have been trying to tell people over the last three years they locked themselves down as it was all guidance in any event as gov.uk says.



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This seems an appropriate page to ask if you, John, have seen this incredible revelation.

Apparently (according to Russell Brand, referencing an article by David Zweiga who references a Stanford University School of Medicine and Stanford Hospitals study), there was a specific PCR test (‘the ‘minus strand’) that could test for the rate of infectious asymptomatic people, which was available from May/June 2020.

(It also makes claims about how rare it was for asymptomatic people to be infectious, which I know John has covered before, though I’m not sure if with reference to their enormous claim here, that only 4% of asymptomatic were ever infectious).

This is obviously an enormously important issue when trying to understand possible lessons learned, so I would really like to know if, John, you are aware of this (and forgive me if I’m wrong but I really don’t remember anything about this) and if so would love to hear your thoughts and perhaps even analysis, should you chose to.

Russells video:


David Zweiga’s article:

The Most Important Test You've Never Heard OfSubstackhttps://davidzweig.substack.com › the-most-important-tes...

Best wishes


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The 'flu, a.k.a COVID 19 after re-branding, is not infectious. It only seems to be contagious but it is not.


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Thanks for that, interesting topic, what I'm really wanting to know about is the suggestion that there was a PCR test that could measure it from early on. I'm really hoping John looks into it, if he hasn't already (and if he has and you know of where, I'd love to know). thanks and best wishes

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I am not sure quite what it is you are really after but I did this on PCR test if it is of any use.


Ultimately the whole thing was pointless and just a money making scam. After having made sure that people had been poisoned by the vaccines (although no doubt some vials just contained saline).

All the best to you too.

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