Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a cardiologist, knows exactly what has caused the thousands of heart attacks and strokes over the past two years, and it was not sarscov2, but instead it is the poisons injected into millions. How sad the BHF denies this. And now we know the average time for an ambulance in Devon, England is four hours. Straight from the lips of a GP.
True. Others knew what would happen too before the vaccines were rolled out. They could only ever cause harm. Aseem Malhotra should have though things through earlier than when his father died from the shot though.
The shocking thing is this is based on official figures and so likely the tip of the iceberg. My partner is an ICU nurse and noticed a trend of death certificates being written up as Covid related when it was nothing to do with it but the patient died of an underlying health problem but had been ‘exposed’ to Covid but not tested positive for it. I also think the yellow card system is not an effective indicator of adverse reactions from the jabs as many don’t know about it or too distraught to complete it. I have been following you a while on YouTube and now here. I really appreciate your concise informed point of view. Thank you.
It’s so bizarre! I would have thought a pandemic event would cause lawlessness on a local level but everyday people tried their best to do what they thought would help the vulnerable and ease pressure on the workers. What has happened instead is the people in power have seized the opportunity to do what they want and abuse their position, exploit people and sabotage our health!
You must not have seen Australians punching each other over toilet paper rolls. My neighbour told me I should be liquidated in a camp for being unvaccinated. Every day people were turned into animals and zombies. Wait until the lights go out.
Some people did indeed care but many, a very great many, did not which is why so many elderly in the care homes died in the UK. They were abandoned, and it appears not looked after by the staff in the homes in many cases. There are reports of some being finished off by Midazolam.
Of course the lockdowns occurred so those in power could take control and people let them, cowering in their homes. The love of many grew cold and stupidity reigned.
Indeed, and why do people keep letting them or indeed submitting themselves to the Great Vaccine Experiment? It is a great test, an exam for the survival of the fittest..
It sure looks like an intelligence test by now. Interesting that it seems the most “educated” and identifying as “intellectuals” seem to be the group that has the most failing. Seems that “common sense” is not so common anymore.
Quite so. For 'most educated' and 'identifying as intellectuals' read 'indoctrinated'. They lack practical experience to counter what they have been told.
Very interesting is Denis Rancort and Reiner Fuellmich ICIC Law "The Death Toll Reveals the Truth" I believe one of the most insightful videos which focus only on data: with detailed charts, graphs and in depth analysis. Will explain all cause deaths and impact of health and govt officials plus the vax itself as cause of death
Thank you, Dr Campbell. I noted your comment that you no longer look to the BBC for news. In some ways, the whole question on the silence of media on this topic is at least as important as the question of the cause/causes of these cardiovascular deaths. I would be fascinated to hear about how (and when) your views on the BBC have changed over the years - and what sources you now look to for news.
The vaccine is a weapon. I have seen what it can do.
In 2022, after 4 Pfizer injections, my very healthy mom was suddenly diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer in her left inguinal groin lymph node, b-cell lymphoma and melanoma. Her immune system had failed completely. She lived, suffering, until December 13. I was her full time caretaker.
In 2023, day by day, using memories, photos, text conversations, medical records, my journal, and my mom’s journal, I chronicled the story of her disease on Facebook. I told about her illness, the failed medical response, her experience, my experience and how a community and faith in God got us through.
I have started the process of editing and rewriting on Substack. I think my mom’s story is important and I want it to be told.
John I was watching the video on the figures in on excess today I have a question ... Denmark, Finland and Norway the figures started rising in May 2021 and U.K. 2020 increase. Did Denmark etc use midalozam?
And yet another reason you should not be given so much cred: “ In the first year of the pandemic
Covid-19 infection drove high numbers of excess deaths“. It is WELL established a majority who died were MURDERED by covid protocols of medical negligence or outright murdered in hospital. You lost all credibility for continuing to push covid lies and promoting deathshotswell into 2022. You are also complicit of murder sir. You cant weasel .your way out of responsibilty. Most of us remember EXACTLY what you did
I think i was pretty clear. Campbell and others misdirected tens of thousands or more people that listened to him to continue to get the death shots when it was CLEAR they were deadly. He specifically continued to refuse to see the evidence out for at least a YEAR in 2022 that was definitive. He was in a position of Authority while leading more sheep to the slaughter. Those that did thisare complicit in murder. Including Campbell. His weak apology is NOT sufficient to remove theblood on his hands. He , along withALL medical and political people who continued to push people into taking these shots should be held accountable.
My initial thought is that you were trying to hurt the guy. You raise valid points and yes, he failed badly. Like John, most people followed the narrative, ignored dissenting voices and their evidence and took the shot themselves. What is being asked of people is to suddenly believe their relatively benign governments which they rely on are participating in the genocide of their own populace. I think what you are really saying is John should have known. My response is yes, with a but. Had the average person been in John's position, I'm not confident at all they would have broken through early on and that damns almost everyone. Their psychology would not be up to the horror.
Im afraid i must restate a couple if facts. Campbell wasn't an average citizen. He put himself in the public limelight by PROMOTING dangerous mandates that KILLED and innured thousands. He is Culpable for that. Ethically and legally. Secondly MANY people did see the lies right away. Millions of us SCREAMED the truth from the rooftops. Many of us confronted people like Campbell. Im a trained ethicist. He is complicit. Stop conflating things
We'll, I shall be angry if he really did support a vaccine mandate which I'm not aware of - I believe he would have supported the lockdowns ofc. But in any case whatever he supports, I don't see how anything can be done about a guy voicing free speech on a public platform and becoming popular because of a particular view?? That could be us, and what if what if we get it wrong? I'm reluctant to hold him to a different standard (beyond criticism or rebuke etc) of which we could fall afoul of if it's even possible.
COVID was designed to fool, this needs to be factored in whether you believe people should have been fooled or not. If someone is put in a new position where you had to make a choice and the wrong choice killed thousands of people - that is not ethical on that person nor does identifying and punishing the person who made the wrong choice put upon them flush out the poison - it would simply be inevitable that some would fall afoul again and again.
To cut to the chase my belief is that you think he really knew. You need to show this because it will bolster your argument dramatically. I don't think you've got enough at the moment. If you do, we are all in trouble here - if we get it wrong and people die because they followed - we will be guilty. Also, I just want to say I'm really sorry you wasn't believed and that people are dying and suffering, it's really bad.
Heres the difference. Im no longer a licensed medical professional. He is. As a licensed medical professional AND someone who promoted himself in public , hes ethically and LEGALLY liable for continuing to promote medical procedures that killed and injured millions. If he had been confused by the liars in charge in the beginning , that could be forgiven . However he was informed over and over by medical experts and others who were reading the medical and other leaders speaking out with FACTS. He was continuing to promote these shots in 2021. Long after phizer and other damning docs were revealed. AS someone promoting himself as a medical expert hes legally culpable. Im sorry youre not aware of all this. I suggest you go back and listen/ read his podcasts. Maybe his speaking out now may mitigate future prosecutions. Id like to see all top medical and political leaders be imprisoned for life. Hes on the bottom of the totum pole. Its unfortunate John continued to pose as an expert who continued to promote medical info that injured and killed many who listened to him. Giving him any excuses is unnacceptable.
In the medical community their is a hierarchy, and you follow the directive of those above you. Now, hopefully we can now expect some time to think & consult b4 following every ridiculous ruling.
I am greatful that one who felt he was doing right by the people saw the flaws that were glaring and provided his own research, since nobody else was brave enough to stand up. There are many more who just go with the flow, closing a blind eye.
He turned it around. He apologized and reports regularly. Still gets beat up on by people like you.
Thankfully, many of us see his retribution and hard work here
One of my cousins works in a Hospital in Suffolk and told me that large numbers of death certificates had Covid on them when the patient hadn’t tested positive for Covid. This augmented the Covid figures and meant everyone started panicking and having Covid jabs. Except me, who said I didn’t think they’d tested enough and there’d be side effects. Now, everyone I know has had multiple jabs and has been ill with Covid and I’ve never had it. I had one jab at the start of the pandemic because everyone kept on at me to have it. Despite being told Covid had changed and I needed another jab I’ve never had another.
Thanks for all your hard work John I watch most of your videos and particularly appreciate being educated on useful supplements I now take D3 and K2 among a few others.
In the spirit of ‘follow the evidence’… I’d be interested to know what people think of this:
In the first article the author was enquiring into mRNA-Based Therapeutics Summit currently taking place in the USA. She came across a blog where the Director of NIH excitedly reports that the vaccine contains a bacterial protein that “forms a scaffold, or structural support, of the self-assembling nanoparticle.
Im finding a lot of the information I’m coming across is causing me anxiety. I’m not usually prone to worry but the silence and lack of governments acknowledging the excess deaths makes me more suspicious of them than these researches!
Ive had 3 vaccines the first two I joked about being reassuringly called Oxford and the 3rd was Pfizer. Although I regret having them I’m also concerned that whatever is in these has now been able to spread through ‘shedding’ and these scientists are saying people are now being exposed through environmental factors.
I am honestly afraid to discuss this openly and know how difficult it is for people to believe.
So I’m sharing in what I believe to be a safe place in the hope it will fall on open minds with more medical expertise than myself.
I don't know if you have had any success elsewhere but I see no responses here. My own opinion is that fear of the unknown is worse than any reality.
I have no medical experience or training, although given how much we have been lied to by governments and many medics alike I consider that a good thing! I believe there is so such thing as shedding of any microbe or spiked protein. As to what people find in the blood of jabbed that is another matter.
Chemicals might exude from a person if they have enough inside I suppose, but I think it is ultimately a fear tactic to separate people whilst the powers that be get on with such things as digital currency (if we let them) and the attempted power grab by the WHO for example.
I have a WordPress site (since 2020) as well as being on substack where I post.
Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a cardiologist, knows exactly what has caused the thousands of heart attacks and strokes over the past two years, and it was not sarscov2, but instead it is the poisons injected into millions. How sad the BHF denies this. And now we know the average time for an ambulance in Devon, England is four hours. Straight from the lips of a GP.
True. Others knew what would happen too before the vaccines were rolled out. They could only ever cause harm. Aseem Malhotra should have though things through earlier than when his father died from the shot though.
The BHF is fundamentally flawed.
The shocking thing is this is based on official figures and so likely the tip of the iceberg. My partner is an ICU nurse and noticed a trend of death certificates being written up as Covid related when it was nothing to do with it but the patient died of an underlying health problem but had been ‘exposed’ to Covid but not tested positive for it. I also think the yellow card system is not an effective indicator of adverse reactions from the jabs as many don’t know about it or too distraught to complete it. I have been following you a while on YouTube and now here. I really appreciate your concise informed point of view. Thank you.
Thank you and yes I am sharing in NZ
Hi John. Here are the excess deaths from Australia in 2022. Most were not coded as covid or covid-related. I used your work to assist in the article. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/why-did-so-many-australians-die-in
Australia is also developing bioweapons onshore at a BSL4 - vaccines exempt from controls - and I cannot get anyone to care about it. Official report from the NHMRC linked https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/australias-gain-of-function-research
It’s so bizarre! I would have thought a pandemic event would cause lawlessness on a local level but everyday people tried their best to do what they thought would help the vulnerable and ease pressure on the workers. What has happened instead is the people in power have seized the opportunity to do what they want and abuse their position, exploit people and sabotage our health!
Thanks for sharing. Rebecca
You must not have seen Australians punching each other over toilet paper rolls. My neighbour told me I should be liquidated in a camp for being unvaccinated. Every day people were turned into animals and zombies. Wait until the lights go out.
Some people did indeed care but many, a very great many, did not which is why so many elderly in the care homes died in the UK. They were abandoned, and it appears not looked after by the staff in the homes in many cases. There are reports of some being finished off by Midazolam.
Of course the lockdowns occurred so those in power could take control and people let them, cowering in their homes. The love of many grew cold and stupidity reigned.
Why are they trying so hard to not see the data or connect any dots?
Why are they not promoting the studies, searching for remedies, or methods to mitigate or manage the harm?
Why do they keep putting this poison in innocent arms?
Indeed, and why do people keep letting them or indeed submitting themselves to the Great Vaccine Experiment? It is a great test, an exam for the survival of the fittest..
It sure looks like an intelligence test by now. Interesting that it seems the most “educated” and identifying as “intellectuals” seem to be the group that has the most failing. Seems that “common sense” is not so common anymore.
Quite so. For 'most educated' and 'identifying as intellectuals' read 'indoctrinated'. They lack practical experience to counter what they have been told.
the shots are to kill them, they envision a world of dark slaves and only 300 or so white people, them, Gods.
Very interesting is Denis Rancort and Reiner Fuellmich ICIC Law "The Death Toll Reveals the Truth" I believe one of the most insightful videos which focus only on data: with detailed charts, graphs and in depth analysis. Will explain all cause deaths and impact of health and govt officials plus the vax itself as cause of death
Thank you, Dr Campbell. I noted your comment that you no longer look to the BBC for news. In some ways, the whole question on the silence of media on this topic is at least as important as the question of the cause/causes of these cardiovascular deaths. I would be fascinated to hear about how (and when) your views on the BBC have changed over the years - and what sources you now look to for news.
Maybe hanging around at home, depressed & deprived of Vitamin D, is bad for health. Just a thought.
Yet still a deafening silence from the numbskulls in parliament?
Money still to be made. B*****ds.
The vaccine is a weapon. I have seen what it can do.
In 2022, after 4 Pfizer injections, my very healthy mom was suddenly diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer in her left inguinal groin lymph node, b-cell lymphoma and melanoma. Her immune system had failed completely. She lived, suffering, until December 13. I was her full time caretaker.
In 2023, day by day, using memories, photos, text conversations, medical records, my journal, and my mom’s journal, I chronicled the story of her disease on Facebook. I told about her illness, the failed medical response, her experience, my experience and how a community and faith in God got us through.
I have started the process of editing and rewriting on Substack. I think my mom’s story is important and I want it to be told.
Thank you!! Those who care need to know your and your mom's story!
John I was watching the video on the figures in on excess today I have a question ... Denmark, Finland and Norway the figures started rising in May 2021 and U.K. 2020 increase. Did Denmark etc use midalozam?
The reports of in the UK make that seem likely elsewhere.
And yet another reason you should not be given so much cred: “ In the first year of the pandemic
Covid-19 infection drove high numbers of excess deaths“. It is WELL established a majority who died were MURDERED by covid protocols of medical negligence or outright murdered in hospital. You lost all credibility for continuing to push covid lies and promoting deathshotswell into 2022. You are also complicit of murder sir. You cant weasel .your way out of responsibilty. Most of us remember EXACTLY what you did
I just wondered, what is it you are trying to achieve by this message?
I think i was pretty clear. Campbell and others misdirected tens of thousands or more people that listened to him to continue to get the death shots when it was CLEAR they were deadly. He specifically continued to refuse to see the evidence out for at least a YEAR in 2022 that was definitive. He was in a position of Authority while leading more sheep to the slaughter. Those that did thisare complicit in murder. Including Campbell. His weak apology is NOT sufficient to remove theblood on his hands. He , along withALL medical and political people who continued to push people into taking these shots should be held accountable.
My initial thought is that you were trying to hurt the guy. You raise valid points and yes, he failed badly. Like John, most people followed the narrative, ignored dissenting voices and their evidence and took the shot themselves. What is being asked of people is to suddenly believe their relatively benign governments which they rely on are participating in the genocide of their own populace. I think what you are really saying is John should have known. My response is yes, with a but. Had the average person been in John's position, I'm not confident at all they would have broken through early on and that damns almost everyone. Their psychology would not be up to the horror.
Im afraid i must restate a couple if facts. Campbell wasn't an average citizen. He put himself in the public limelight by PROMOTING dangerous mandates that KILLED and innured thousands. He is Culpable for that. Ethically and legally. Secondly MANY people did see the lies right away. Millions of us SCREAMED the truth from the rooftops. Many of us confronted people like Campbell. Im a trained ethicist. He is complicit. Stop conflating things
We'll, I shall be angry if he really did support a vaccine mandate which I'm not aware of - I believe he would have supported the lockdowns ofc. But in any case whatever he supports, I don't see how anything can be done about a guy voicing free speech on a public platform and becoming popular because of a particular view?? That could be us, and what if what if we get it wrong? I'm reluctant to hold him to a different standard (beyond criticism or rebuke etc) of which we could fall afoul of if it's even possible.
COVID was designed to fool, this needs to be factored in whether you believe people should have been fooled or not. If someone is put in a new position where you had to make a choice and the wrong choice killed thousands of people - that is not ethical on that person nor does identifying and punishing the person who made the wrong choice put upon them flush out the poison - it would simply be inevitable that some would fall afoul again and again.
To cut to the chase my belief is that you think he really knew. You need to show this because it will bolster your argument dramatically. I don't think you've got enough at the moment. If you do, we are all in trouble here - if we get it wrong and people die because they followed - we will be guilty. Also, I just want to say I'm really sorry you wasn't believed and that people are dying and suffering, it's really bad.
Heres the difference. Im no longer a licensed medical professional. He is. As a licensed medical professional AND someone who promoted himself in public , hes ethically and LEGALLY liable for continuing to promote medical procedures that killed and injured millions. If he had been confused by the liars in charge in the beginning , that could be forgiven . However he was informed over and over by medical experts and others who were reading the medical and other leaders speaking out with FACTS. He was continuing to promote these shots in 2021. Long after phizer and other damning docs were revealed. AS someone promoting himself as a medical expert hes legally culpable. Im sorry youre not aware of all this. I suggest you go back and listen/ read his podcasts. Maybe his speaking out now may mitigate future prosecutions. Id like to see all top medical and political leaders be imprisoned for life. Hes on the bottom of the totum pole. Its unfortunate John continued to pose as an expert who continued to promote medical info that injured and killed many who listened to him. Giving him any excuses is unnacceptable.
Well said. I did the same, at least I tried to make comments on his YT channel.
The truth. I knew what was going on in June 2020 although I did not know exactly what went on in the care homes, but I knew nobody checked.
In the medical community their is a hierarchy, and you follow the directive of those above you. Now, hopefully we can now expect some time to think & consult b4 following every ridiculous ruling.
I am greatful that one who felt he was doing right by the people saw the flaws that were glaring and provided his own research, since nobody else was brave enough to stand up. There are many more who just go with the flow, closing a blind eye.
He turned it around. He apologized and reports regularly. Still gets beat up on by people like you.
Thankfully, many of us see his retribution and hard work here
One of my cousins works in a Hospital in Suffolk and told me that large numbers of death certificates had Covid on them when the patient hadn’t tested positive for Covid. This augmented the Covid figures and meant everyone started panicking and having Covid jabs. Except me, who said I didn’t think they’d tested enough and there’d be side effects. Now, everyone I know has had multiple jabs and has been ill with Covid and I’ve never had it. I had one jab at the start of the pandemic because everyone kept on at me to have it. Despite being told Covid had changed and I needed another jab I’ve never had another.
Thanks for all your hard work John I watch most of your videos and particularly appreciate being educated on useful supplements I now take D3 and K2 among a few others.
In the spirit of ‘follow the evidence’… I’d be interested to know what people think of this:
In the first article the author was enquiring into mRNA-Based Therapeutics Summit currently taking place in the USA. She came across a blog where the Director of NIH excitedly reports that the vaccine contains a bacterial protein that “forms a scaffold, or structural support, of the self-assembling nanoparticle.
This seems to support evidence presented by researches such as Dr David Nixon and Dr Ana Mihalcea
https://drdavidnixon.com/ Dr David Nixon
Dr Ana Mihalcea has just posted finding the same nano particles in the insulin of Dr. Joseph Sansone.
Im finding a lot of the information I’m coming across is causing me anxiety. I’m not usually prone to worry but the silence and lack of governments acknowledging the excess deaths makes me more suspicious of them than these researches!
Ive had 3 vaccines the first two I joked about being reassuringly called Oxford and the 3rd was Pfizer. Although I regret having them I’m also concerned that whatever is in these has now been able to spread through ‘shedding’ and these scientists are saying people are now being exposed through environmental factors.
I am honestly afraid to discuss this openly and know how difficult it is for people to believe.
So I’m sharing in what I believe to be a safe place in the hope it will fall on open minds with more medical expertise than myself.
Sent In good faith.
Dear Rebecca
I don't know if you have had any success elsewhere but I see no responses here. My own opinion is that fear of the unknown is worse than any reality.
I have no medical experience or training, although given how much we have been lied to by governments and many medics alike I consider that a good thing! I believe there is so such thing as shedding of any microbe or spiked protein. As to what people find in the blood of jabbed that is another matter.
Chemicals might exude from a person if they have enough inside I suppose, but I think it is ultimately a fear tactic to separate people whilst the powers that be get on with such things as digital currency (if we let them) and the attempted power grab by the WHO for example.
I have a WordPress site (since 2020) as well as being on substack where I post.
I've Started Making A Vaccine
From Cultured Cells Of The Vaccine Injured.
-While They Are Still Alive - On Ventilators.
Because If There Is An Airborne Virus
That Invades And Kills Humans ... Surely They Have It.
- Trust The Science.